Record the Issues that are holding up progress. Help your team communicate efficiently. Assign the Issues that get forgotten so as to avoid delays, lost productivity and costs. Manage your work more efficiently. With SightIssues you will be able to view all the Issues on All your projects in one place. With SightIssues, you stay focused on the Site priorities.
It's those requests for material, resources and information that are being made by phone, through messages and emails that are delaying your projects. With SightRequests all the requests are recorded and prioritized to help your team execute the activities at site and allow you to keep track of what is happening on your Site.
To help your site team to keep on top of the project while at the same time being on site. SightInformation helps you share information with your team so that they can access documents and information to help them take decisions at site. With SightInformation the Site info goes mobile.
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